Whether affluent or of modest means, everyone should have a comprehensive and tailored plan for their estate. At the Law Office of Edward J. Martin, we work to ensure that the wealth our clients have worked their entire lives to accumulate will be passed down to their beneficiaries in the most streamlined, tax-efficient and protected manner possible. Don’t trust the most important plan of your life to canned solutions that all too often leave behind a mess for your family to clean up while grieving the loss of a loved one. Work with a local and reputable attorney that focuses his practice on trust and estate planning and takes the time to tailor each plan to fit the particular circumstances, needs and objectives of each client. Everyone deserves a plan that is thorough, individualized and strategically designed to make their beneficiaries’ lives easy. We are confident that you will feel right at home and that your family is in good hands at our law office. We look forward to providing you with a comprehensive plan that provides the certainty and peace of mind that you deserve. Call now to schedule a free consultation and review of any existing estate planning documents.

Representative Services and Estate Planning Documents
- Last Wills and Testaments (basic and complex)
- Trusts (Irrevocable, Revocable and Testamentary)
- Advanced Directives (Powers of Attorney, Health Care Proxies, Living Wills)
- Income and Estate Tax Planning